Meaning of name Armelle


She who represents balance

Character and Dominants : Affection, Sensorality, Sociability, Intuition
Plant : FlaxAnimal : Mouse
Colour : BlueZodiac Sign : Libra
Genre : Female Numerology : 3
Origin : French first name Etymology :
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A fascinating woman, with rapid impulses, occasionally moody but often disconcerting, Armelle has a balanced character that enables her to give fair judgement on life in general. Discreet and efficient, when Armelle has her mind set on an idea she will work long and patiently to ensure its satisfactory completion. Be careful of Armelle when she is not dominant, when she allows her critical side to emerge, a trait that can be quite cutting about people and situations. Not easily influenced, she has great self-confidence that she doesn't always show, as well as a highly subjective vision of life, seeing all through her own eyes. In the beginning Armelle has a great morality and is devoted and loyal, but her explosive and passionate character often sidetracks her from her normal moral path. Armelle's intuition is stupefying; she can evaluate situations and people very quickly, and fairly. Her seductive abilities, both on the mental and physical planes, are great but she should beware not to abuse them and use her spontaneous psychology more.


Luckily Armelle is quite emotive as otherwise the strong coupling of activity and will could make her seem almost robotic, devoid of emotions. Armelle has a very strong sense of friendship, with both women and men, and needs to feel surrounded by people from early on. Not an easy person to manipulate, Armelle has a powerful emotional memory and can therefore be quite vindictive, remembering events that took place months or even years previously. She has a keen sense of competitiveness and can be obstinate in the idea that she manages events and people; however she can quickly change her mind if she is proved wrong. Armelle is sensitive to setbacks although more because they irritate her than because they overcome her.


Armelle is characterised by her perseverance and will. This strong will combines with high activity to create strong reactions and a well distributed emotivity. One should however beware of this potent cocktail that can at times produce surprising and violent explosions. Armelle cannot stay still, she always needs new projects, and the bigger they are the more motivated Armelle is. Very resourceful, she has a great imagination, a natural charm and a vivid memory. A highly organised person, Armelle keeps track of everything and likes her comfort. Her strong vitality enables her to face health problems that may occur, even though Armelle isn't particularly worried about this area herself. Highly sociable, Armelle likes receiving people although this is subject to her conditions, her principles. Very balanced in her family life, it is here that she finds total fulfilment. Armelle is very generous and engages herself fully in activities, body and soul, whether the task is boring or not, as long as the goal is worthwhile.


Doted with an analytical intelligence, Armelle can distinguish the slightest detail of a situation or an event experienced.


At certain times Armelle will do all in her power to create a relaxed and warm atmosphere, loosen up a difficult situation or put people in contact with each other, but at other times Armelle is quite easily capable of doing exactly the contrary.


Armelle can live in an intense manner and is ready to do anything to succeed even if it means being a little imprudent at times. Flirty and sensual, Armelle has a strong sex appeal that makes her very attractive.

In conclusion

Armelle's luck is mainly due to her seductive abilities, her generosity of heart and her courage that all enable her to achieve success in her life.

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