Meaning of name Huraiva


She who gathers

Character and Dominants : Affection, Morality, Intellect, Activity
Plant : CarrotAnimal : Squirrel
Colour : BlueZodiac Sign : Sagittarius
Genre : Female Numerology : 8
Origin : African first name Etymology :
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Huraiva combines fast reactions, strong activity and intense emotivity which makes her a dynamic person who unfortunately has a tendency to become moody. Like her animal mascot, the squirrel, Huraiva needs to feel secure in order to feel fulfilled and always reaches the end of her projects through patience and perseverance. Huraiva is an introvert and tends to fold in on herself in difficult situations, not to escape but more to take time to reflect on the situation and implement a plan of action. Huraiva is not easy to influence. Huraiva has a certain firmness in her behaviour and her life is guided by a true system of moral values.


Huraiva has a strong emotivity that gives her an interesting sensitivity and taste for adventure. This also gives her a penchant for effusive affection. Huraiva enjoys opposition and is difficult to convince, especially as she is not easily influenced. She is objective, does not look solely to her comfort and becomes fully involved in causes that seem fair to her. Although Huraiva may seem timid at times it is because she doesn't always feel self-confident. She is sensitive to setbacks but isn't defeated by them; on the contrary, once she is over her anger, she pushes forward on all fronts.


Huraiva has strong resolve but can be slow to react as she doesn't like being the first in line. Huraiva needs a well established plan to react and not simply launch into action. She has a highly professional conscience as well as the courage and obstinacy necessary to achieve her objectives, particularly in the professional domain. Huraiva enjoys difficult careers, those where she is placed in danger or pays in person. Huraiva should beware not to overwork as although she has a basic strong resistance and good health she also has a tendency to not listen to her body and go beyond her limits. Huraiva is fairly sociable as long as everyone stays in their place and doesn't encroach on her space, her territory. In any case, she is an excellent friend who has a solid sense of friendship and seeks sincere and loyal friends she can count on. A touch of timidity there where it is not expected as her dynamism lags a little behind her activity.


Huraiva has a highly developed critical sense and is adept at acerbic comments, even if they are not said maliciously. Huraiva has a lively and analytical intelligence, she sees and judges things in one exceptional glance.


Huraiva doesn't like grand declarations or demonstrations of tenderness, she is quite discreet and has trouble expressing her feelings at times, even if she is affectionate. Huraiva has a strong emotive memory.


Huraiva is generally reasonable and favours her professional life over her private life which distances her from her desires. Her sensuality is expressed only within the security of a sentimental life full of confidence as Huraiva fears being betrayed. Her sexuality can be complex due to repression that has its roots in her upbringing.

In conclusion

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