Meaning of name Riasat


He who bears life, drives life

Character and Dominants : Will, Sensorality, Vitality, Affection
Plant : ChestnutAnimal : Moose
Colour : BlueZodiac Sign : Aries
Genre : Male Numerology : 5
Origin : African first name Etymology :
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Riasat is not easily influenced and is a first class person, emulation is his true motive and enables him to act. An extravert, very open to the world outside and to others, Riasat is also capable of thinking when necessary. Highly emotive, he needs love and understanding, even if he is not an easy person at first glance. Riasat is the master of his morality, as with his resolve and affection, he has a great sense of duty and a system of values that make him a good father. Riasat likes and needs to believe in something, or someone, and he must not be deceived by it , or them. He has a great sense of friendship, friends he has chosen carefully over time who he is loyal to. Riasat manages to use his spontaneous psychology in a fairly formidable manner, he also has great intuition and undeniable flair. His manners of seduction may be discreet but are no less efficient for that.


Riasat is fairly altruistic, even though at times he has a tendency to gather all into himself, his emotivity is centred on himself. If he succeeds in being objective it is not without difficulties. Riasat is very sensitive to setbacks and can dwell on them for a long time, he should not remain fixed upon this weakness and should instead place his joy in life at the service of a new objective. Riasat doesn't have a strong competitive streak and can be quickly reasoned with.


This will is above all linked to the desire of Riasat to be the first, to be at the front of each scene, in front of his audience; however this will disappears when his public does. Riasat has a strong professional conscience, he adapts slowly but surely. As his will is quite strong his activity has trouble keeping pace with it, either by laziness or due to recurring hesitancy. He has remarkable vitality and excellent health but intellectual overwork is his weak point. Sociability often represents a waste of time for Riasat, there are other things to do apart from spending time with one's peers; he chooses his own objectives, his requirements and his leisure activities. It is through work and a life full of intelligent and well researched activities that Riasat achieves his success.


Riasat has a good memory and fairly superficial intelligence so he remembers everything, classifies everything and unceasingly needs to satisfy his insatiable curiosity and knowledge from early on.


Impassioned, jealous and therefore possessive when it comes to affections, love, like hate, is slow to come for Riasat but tends to last long too.


This sensorality is highly present and, yet again, in this domain Riasat wants to show his supremacy. Impassioned, protective, paternal, Riasat is particularly drawn to women who retain a girlish aspect.

In conclusion

Riasat needs to travel to improve his knowledge, to understand things, understand life and experience all the world has to offer.

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