Meaning of name Sangred


She who possesses strength

Character and Dominants : Emotivity, Morality, Affection, Intuition
Plant : TulipAnimal : Duck
Colour : BlueZodiac Sign : Sagittarius
Genre : Female Numerology : 5
Origin : Swedish first name Etymology :
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Like her animal mascot, the duck, who is far more comfortable in water than on land, Sangred is far more at ease in a warm and controlled environment than in the hassle of daily life with its complex conditions. The difficulty resides in keeping a balance between the two worlds. Easy to influence, lacking self-confidence and an introvert, Sangred takes refuge in her dreams where she can live in relative privacy, so looking also to forget certain memories or to flee reality and responsibilities. Sangred is highly intuitive, we could almost refer to her dreams as premonitory, and she dreams a lot...


Her dream side is highly dependent on her strong emotivity, it is this that enables Sangred to organise her private dream world where the soul is more important than the heart. Sangred is not particularly reactive is she isn't very inclined to share her world, her emotions, in that way she can better protect herself. Therefore she shows nothing of her secret garden and her feelings that she takes refuge in.


Her will, activity and emotivity are around the same level and are all linked to her dreaming, to the images she has created. Sangred generally acts without conviction, particularly if the action does not correspond with the image she is portraying. Sangred is far more comfortable among nature as a solitary soul. Sangred is subject to imaginary illnesses as she lives too much in her dream world. It is up to her not to allow it to develop too much. A healthy and balanced life will help her to counter this flaw in her health. Sangred needs pushing unceasingly into the external world and allow herself to open up to others. She needs to go out and live and finally she will find the resolve to conquer this tendency to hide away. In order for Sangred to show dynamism she needs to come out of her dream world, get out into the real world and meet people, something that is not easy for her.


Vivacious but discreet, Sangred has a superficial intelligence that enables her to rapidly see the best way to achieve her objectives, to truly live her life, even if this intelligence is occasionally blemished by her timidity.


Too much dreaming makes it hard for others to follow Sangred at times. She wants to be loved and feel secure but offering her love can make her afraid sometimes, she can see it as an aggression and push it away.


Her sensuality is complicated, her sexuality closely linked to her psyche and more turned towards her mental state rather than physical. Sangred needs to learn to give in to her heart and senses far more than her stability.

In conclusion

If Sangred stops fleeing and stops taking refuge in her inner world and doesn't allow her desire to fade into the background take root then she could live serenely.

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