She who is beautiful, the beauty of royalty

Character and Dominants : Intuition, Sociability, Affection, Emotivity |
Plant : Orchid | Animal : Cat |
Colour : Yellow | Zodiac Sign : Gemini |
Genre : Female | Numerology : |
Origin : Arabic first name | Etymology : |
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Sara is characterised by a great sentimentality and emotivity, she is highly sensitive to life.
Everything affects her, everything touches her, she needs to be taken care of, to be cajoled but one shouldn't do too much for her or there is a risk of indolence, laziness or indifference. Sara lives in her world, the only world where she feels comfortable, from where she observes the outside world. She is willing to lie to herself, even subconsciously, in order to remain in her imaginary world.
Introverted and a lover of luxury and comfort, Sara likes to possess things. Sara has an accommodating morality, in accordance with her whims.
Her beliefs and values vary according with different situations; she wants to believe, but without really doing so. Sara is captivating and a real seductress, she believes herself to be a psychic. She uses her intuition in the service of the life path she has chosen.
Sara is sensitive to setbacks, she considers them to be unjust, she can be very emotive and sometimes capricious.
Not really drawn to female friends, Sara prefers to ally herself to males to her advantage as her femininity and powers of seduction take the major role in her relations with others; she therefore uses men for her own designs. Sara is very susceptible and vengeful.
Sara has a surprising resolve, she possesses great hidden resources, she knows her worth and knows how to obtain what she wants with shrewdness. Sara considers that her simple presence and participation prevails over action.
She adapts easily to situations and people as soon as they come close to her points of interest. Sara is only sociable on the condition that others integrate with her inner world. In order to achieve her objectives she will not hesitate to use all her charm and flirtatiousness. Sara wants everything, immediately, and confusing speed with precipitation she sometimes lets opportunities pass her by.
Sara has a superficial turn of mind, overseeing everything and understanding the outline of everything without bothering with the details. However, Sara has a tendency to become discouraged easily when facing difficulties.
With Sara it's all or nothing, she loves someone, or she doesn't, it works or it doesn't.
She is capricious so needs handling with tact and gentleness to avoid falling into her trap.
More sentimental than sensual, her sensorality is directly implicated in her desire to please, her power of seduction and her search for comfort.
She has such charm that it causes troubles, worries and she even despairs of it until she finds the man who can control it.